Simply Bella Mineral Cosmetics & Personal Care Solutions!!!

April 20, 2009

Beautiful/Wellness Only Begins With The Skin!!!

Beautiful/Wellness Only Begins With The Skin!!!

SerenityGlo Mineral Cosmetics’ new “Mother Earth” Collection of styles and colors, exemplifies to the World, our unwavering committment, to making our planet, a little bit more beautiful !!!! However, beauty must also be an integral part of wellness…
That is why, SerenityGlo’s “Mother Earth” line of paraben free makeup formulas and natural earth botanicals, have joined the ranks of healthy cosmetics in the marketplace. Combining paraben free skin care (Sense’ Skin Care) with SerenityGlo Mineral Makeup, is a natural progression in achieving a healthier,more vibrant YOU!!!
Because the skin, is the largest delivery system to the body, and absorbs up to 60% of what we apply externally DOES seep into our internal tissues and organs, YOUR beauty regimen plays a key role in the healthy maintenance of those body systems!!! Add the rich antioxidants and ageless therapies of ‘natural earth botanicals” to the mix , and you are contributing to your wellness lifestyle and a more vibrant planet!

Here are just a few “highlights” of what makes SerenityGlo Mineral Cosmetics stand alone from the “store-bought” minerals, and WHY you can actually feel the difference in the way you look!!!!

bismuth oxychloride free
coal tar free
therapeutic qualities promote healing from laser treatments
therapeutic qualities used for sensitive skin issues,i.e. rossacea
paraben free formulas
petroleum free
vitamin and antioxidant enriched blends
complies with strickest European Union Cosmetic Regulation standards
lead free
natural earth botanical ingredients provide chemical free sunblock protection

As Creative Director of SerenityGlo Mineral Makeup and an advocate of safe cosmetics in the marketplace,it remains my company’s committment, to constantly be searching for the newest,safest, and latest “Green Technologies” available, while maintaining the most radiant array of colors, for all occasions!

In this small way,myself and my professional wellness/beauty consultants, are fulfilling our pledge to you, our most valued customers,that your beautiful wellness regimen is our number one objective!!

Here’s to your HEALTH and making our world a little bit more BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Debbie Schneider
Creative Director
SerenityGlo Mineral Cosmetics

P.S.- Subscribe to my FREE newsletters to keep up with the world of Beautiful Health!!!

Being Beautiful Is An Ongoing Process..

March 10, 2009

Beauty From The Outside In...

Beauty From The Outside In...

As an advocate of women’s health issues, I was absolutely stunned when I learned the following statistics!
In The United States, there are only 9 chemicals banned by the government for use in personal care products and cosmetics. In Europe, however, the European Union has taken a proactive approach by outlawing 1,100+
chemicals that would normally be present for public consumption. Such chemicals that are regulated in Europe but still allowed in our country have proven links to cancer, birth defects, and reproductive problems to name just a few! The main impetus for these ingredients being present in our products relates directly to profit margins! It is more costly to manufacture with natural ingredients than to substitute with chemical additives.
Because of the higher profit margins, many manufacturers are resisting healthier alternatives.

However, with the growing publicity of dangerous additives, many beauty corporations are reluctantly
being forced to alter their previous ways. However, since there is no forceful watchdog overseeing
the manufacturing process, many shortcuts still go unnoticed! Luckily, women are starting to become
aware of the facts and are making wiser choices for their beauty regimen. Because of the demands for
higher standards, we the consumer are forcing corporations to “clean up their act!” It is coming slowly,
but the wheels of change are beginning to turn!

For more information on ingredients that are found in some mineral cosmetics that provide therapeutic
results for everything from rossacea to hypoallergies, not in traditional cosmetics, check out our ingredients at
SerenityGlo Mineral Makeup! Visit us at!

Here’s To Beautiful Health!
Debbie Schneider
Healthy Beauty Advocate
Creative Director
SerenityGlo Mineral Cosmetics

Creating A Healthy Lifestyle Can Have It’s Rewards..

March 8, 2009

Beauty From The Outside In...

Beauty From The Outside In...

As part 2 of my series on toxins where you least expect them, I am discussing coal tar. This ingredient is predominately found in “highend eyeshadows” and has been directly linked to various forms of cancer. Lipstick also contains high amounts of artificial colorings derived from coal tar derivatives which can produce serious allergic reactions.Another ingredient on the radar screen is lead which is a major component of many traditional lipstick products. The state of California, actually attempted to ban this component as a health hazard. Currently, it is in the California legislature but has met some strong resistance from the cosmetic companies still utilizing this additive. Between the lead in lipsticks and the coal tar pigments in the actual lip color, this alone, should send up warning flags to consumers! Check out my future blogs highlighting other hidden dangers that you must, at least, be aware of for your health sake! There are healthy alternatives out there that won’t break your bank account and maintain the highest level of beauty for your skin. It all comes down to awareness!
You must be empowered with the knowledge to make intelligent choices! Check out the facts about paraben free mineral makeup selections that can make a difference!
Here’s to Your Health and Beauty!!!
Debbie Schneider
Advocate of Beautiful Health
Creative Director
SerenityGlo Mineral Makeup!

Show all items


March 4, 2009


American female consumers are becoming wiser to what they actually buy into. Today,
approximately, 13-20% of cosmetic users, are reading labels and steering away from additives in their makeup! Several recent exposes have come to light regarding this topic, giving credence to the natural, non chemical alternatives to beautiful skin! I will be sharing such findings within the coming issues, as each catagory represents its own poison!
A very familiar additive to powders is talc, which is a mineral produced by the mining of talc rocks and processed by crushing, milling and drying. Unfortunately, this process removes a number of trace minerals but leaves the tiny, fiber-like particles, in tact. The result of this procedure mimics asbestos.
Talc particles have been a causal link to such things as ovarian tumors and lung cancer. In 1973, action was actually passed by the FDA, limiting the amount of the asbestos like fibers referred to as talc in cosmetic products.
As per The Cancer Prevention Coalition, a watchdog group to oversee such ingredients, claim that even today, cosmetic grade talc remains unchecked by the federal government.
SerenityGlo Mineral Makeup continues to provide the latest findings in an area that is bearly “scratching the surface!” However,
we are committed to providing health conscious women with alternatives that can make them look great and feel the difference!
To subscribe to our free newsletters, please visit us at We also welcome your comments or questions and will strive to represent your healthy lifestyle as a constant motivater to produce the highest quality mineral cosmetics on the market, without the high price tag! Our products viewed online, are marked at a substantial 15% off retail! Also, ask us about helping our army in this fight by joining us as an affilliate member!
Here’s to Your Continued Good Health!
Debbie Schneider
Creative Director SerenityGlo Mineral Makeup
& Authorized Independant Distributor of
Sense’ Skin care Products!
email me with concerns

February 22, 2009

Cosmetics Are Not Created Equal!!! The Truth About What makes Up Your Beauty Regimen…

Have you ever noticed the ingredients on the label of that foundation you apply every morning like clockwork??? If you had, then you might start noticing little things that give you “pause for thought”. The use of artificial preservatives like parabens, have been slowly seeping through our skin, and creating havoc within our bodies! It is true that we are not swallowing these products but they are making their way into our organs and tissues regardless. In case you hadn’t noticed (and many women don’t really think about their beauty products so deeply), these parabens which make your foundations last longer, can also be more toxic. Today, scientists are discovering more and more, about the harmful effects of traditional cosmetics and personal care products, on the long-term health of women consumers and even their unborn children!!! The FDA, the watchdog organization developed to protect the American consumer, does not recognize their own jurisdictgion over the cosmetic industry. You may ask yourself why is this so??? Quite simply, the Food and Drug Administration does not consider any products that are not ingested orally to be their responsibility. To be fair to this institution, there are so many other “fires to put out” that this has not been one of their top priorities. However, the American cosmetic consumer is starting to become more aware. This is just starting to ring true, but we still have a long way to go yet!!! Here are some statistics that may shock you!!! Sixty percent of what you cover your face in will eventually, end up in some form or another, inside your body!!!
European Cosmetic Manufacturer’s and the European Union have recognized these facts for several years and have maintained a stringent ban on over 1400 ingredients used to make traditional cosmetics. The same is not true for manufacturers providing beauty products to the American consumers. We fall very short, only containing approximately 40 ingredients that are not approved within our manufacturing standards. You may ask why this statistic rings true???
Well..because the public isn’t aware of the potential dangers and the corporate profits for American cosmetics might be adversely affected. Today, many of U.S. high end makeup lines are actually produced in China, in order to lower their expenses and increase corporate profits.
Europe also has transported some of their manufacturing to China, as well, but there is a big difference!!! When Chinese exporters ship to their European customers, they ship a much different product than what you and I receive. In fact, they consciously change their product development to fit the standards of the country that it is being exported to!!! Today, there are more and more people educating themselves through labelling and thankfully, people have
become more discriminating in their consuming. We must make our American public even more cognizant of certain dangers and hopefully, we will be able to directly impact the occurance of dreaded diseases like breast cancer and birth defects, to name just a few!!! Look for my future blogs to direct you to new information about how this impacts you as a consumer.If you would like to subscribe to my monthly newsletter for additional info, go to to become aware that “Beauty from the outside in…” is something that comes not only through bottles, but working with real lifestyle changes!!!
Here’s To A Beautiful Healthy New Year!!!
Debbie Schneider/Creator of SerenityGlo Mineral Cosmetics


Inner Beauty.

February 22, 2009

 Beauty from the Outside In.loresproofpdf-page-3pdf-adobe-reader1

Do you crave energy and want to feel good???Of course, everyone wants to feel and look good, but how many of us actually equate this feeling to the delicate balance of brain chemistry? Recent studies are uncovering the secrets of focus, energy, and being “full of life”. This is not so mysterious as you might think, but it has been sorely overlooked!
Dr. Daniel Amen, a renowned neuro-psychiatrist specializing in the treatment of ADD,Autism, and Depressions, lays out his thoughts about what each person can do to minimize the signs of such brain disturbances naturally.Of course, he does believe that traditional medication has its place in certain cases, but the amounts could be seriously modified through simple means.
An example of this is laid out in Dr. Amen’s research text titled “The Magnificent Mind” which explores different treatments for ADD patients. His findings show that diets of high fiber, low refined sugars, can actually speed up the efficacy of prescribed medication through natural means. His recommendation of high quality nutritional supplements are supported in this investigative studies, to actually raise the ‘dopemine” levels to correct amounts with less harsh
chemicals being introduced.
Recommendations of quality Fish Oils (Omega 3’s) and increased Calcium levels will react synergistically with the prescribed drugs. Dr. Amen, in his previous books, also discusses the effectiveness of the brain imaging to uncover a specific area of the brain function. This is used
also with the treatment of some attencion deficient patients.
Another area that has shown great promise in the treatment of Autism, involves the use of
a hyperbarrack chamber and pure oxygen, which opens up the blood vessels that may have been restricted previously. These studies are beginning to also come to the forefront in traditional medicine, and should be addressed to your psysician for further information.
There are so many areas of “cutting edge research and development that are occuring quietly every year. With the enormous cost of healthcare, more and more procedures to defray these
costs should be considered by the medical insurance companies to reduce their longterm payouts as well.
In the meantime, it is up to us, as wellness conscious consumers, to be aware of what options are out there, and direct it to your doctor to see if it is appropriate for your situation. I will continue to pass along this information through my blogs, as a concerned citizen and an advocate in a
proactive wellness lifestyle. Just remember, THE QUALITY OF LIFE IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS LONGEVITY!!!!
For future info through my blogs and free newsletters, please visit me at

Mineral Makeup: Is It Really Here To Stay???

February 22, 2009
Beauty From The Outside In...

Beauty From The Outside In...

Natural earth botanicals in mineral cosmetics, add purity to formulas that cannot be reproduced by chemicals. For example, earth botanicals have an intrinsic sun block protection within it’s own compound, that allows UVA and UVB ray blockage without putting your body at risk for harmful chemical exposure. This has generated much ‘buzz’ within the beauty community, and mineral cosmetics have been able to successfully capitalize on such therapeutic properties.

Locations where sun exposure is most pronounced for it’s residents, stand to gain enormous rewards, through the innovation of recent cosmetic technology. Women living in climates of Los Angeles, Las Vegas,Phoenix, and Tuscan, to name just a few heat-intensive locations,are important test markets for new research, and will gain, exponentially from such product breakthroughs.

For those believers that holistic mineral cosmetics is a passing trend, the numbers tend to dispute this premise. Since the first ‘powder’ minerals busted onto the market, hundreds of formulas have followed, each trying to capitalize on the therapeutic qualities of natural minerals. Today, many of the traditional beauty giants who have tried to ignore growing trends, with the hopes of outlasting smaller competition, have lost significantly. Corporations like Estee Lauder, L’Oreal, and Clinique are scrambling to recoup their lost marketshare.

Recently in the public awareness, is the paraben-free mineral makeup, which again, is proving to be another benchmark to the skincare,personsal care, and yes, the cosmetic industry, for the forseeable future. Not only does research quantify these trends, but consumers demand wellness to be a part of their daily beauty regimen. Liquid foundations, cream to powder foundations, and, most recently, HD (high definition) quality provides flawless, talc-free, powders that have redefined maximum coverage with a gentle hue.

Baby Boomers demand products to maintain their youthful appearance naturally, and companies are responding or paying heavy tolls! Even with our recession economy, paraben free mineral makeup seems to be withstanding the forces of a stressed pocketbook and continue to show strong gains!

Another emerging market for the U.S. consumer actually shows men to becoming highly focused and  an extremely lucrative target market for men’s personal care lines. As the sexes converge on their demands for holistic approaches to maintaining a youthful complexion, this is placing more and more pressure on companies to fine tune their business plans and respond dramatically to their demanding audience.

For all the latest on product research involving skincare, personal care, and cosmetics, look to SerenityGlo Mineral Makeup, a producer of paraben-free, vitamin-enriched, HD mineral beauty products that continue to be a ‘pioneer” in the area of “beautiful wellness”. Next month, our focus will be on our new addition of  HD talc-free powders that diminish fine lines and accentuate a healthy glow! Check this product, as well as, all our other features, at Are you also interested in becoming an affilliate member of our growing team of SerenityGlo Beauty Professionals??? If you are committed to wellness in personal care products, perhaps you should consider adding us to your wellness website.It is a great way to provide your online customers with superior products while making an impact on your bottom line. For more information, contact Debbie Schneider/Creative Director at (954)295-7394 or email me at

February 18, 2009
Beauty From The Outside In..

Beauty From The Outside In..

February 18, 2009


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February 15, 2009

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